"Leaving Home" Album Now Available - Going Back to Go Forward, Part 2There it is...That eighteen-year-old face full of questions and wonderings, longings and passions. She was a girl with a lot on her heart...
Going Back to Go ForwardIt is time to unearth some personal musical history, my friends. Time to release the old sounds to make way for the new. I have been...
The Best Things in Life Are...FREE!I am so excited to announce that as of today I am offering my music for FREE DOWNLOAD to anyone and everyone who wants access to it!...
Digital Download of "The Nature of Now" is Live!Praise the Lord for technology...despite my lack of digital skills! After a few delays, I am glad to be able to say that as of September...
Joining Local Voices at "Art in the City" Next Week!I'm looking forward to sharing a couple of my songs live at a great upcoming event in downtown Salem this coming Friday, August 18. "Art...
It is finally finished!I am excited to announce to the world that my dream of "The Nature of Now," has finally become a reality. The five-track EP is officially...